Valkyrie er en ny lysskulptur skabt af kunstneren Alison Smith og teknologen Matt Collins. Den udforsker de betydninger mennesker har tillagt naturfænomener i tusinder af år og vores forhold til solene, planeterne og andre himmellegemer.
Stykket har navnet på vikingelegenden forbundet med Aurora Borealis. Valkyrierne var kvindelige krigere i den nordiske mytologi, der siges at have skabt Aurora, kendt som nordlyset, med refleksioner af deres rustning, da de red til Valhalla. Aurora danner et dramatisk lysdisplay, som nogle gange er forårsaget af interaktionen mellem partikler fra solen og jordens magnetfelt.
Valkyrie er lavet af genbrugsplast samlet efter samme teknik som kludetæpper. Kludetæpper genbruger affalds materiale og har vikingerødder og en lang historie i det nordlige landdistrikt og minesamfund.
Tusind lys i skulpturen skaber sarte lyslandskaber, der udløses af stemmer til at sende krusninger af lys hen over dens overflade. Du er inviteret til at tale med den og skabe dit eget Aurora-lysdisplay. Placer dig selv omkring en meter væk fra skulpturen og tal ind i dens side.
Kunstneren Alison Smith skaber fordybende lysinstallationer og oplyste skulpturer ved hjælp af genbrugsmaterialer, håndlavede til at skabe indviklede overflader ved hjælp af improviserede teknikker baseret på traditionelle håndværksprocesser. Smith samarbejder ofte med forskere for at udforske naturlige processer og miljøproblemer. For Valkyrie arbejdede Alison sammen med kunstneren og teknologen Matt Collins, som arbejder på tværs af en bred vifte af discipliner, og støtter kreative med at udvikle, fremstille og installere projekter, kunstværker og installationer.
Alison Smith (GBR)
Alison Smith er en Leeds-baseret kunstner, skaber og underviser. Smith skaber lysskulpturer og fordybende lysinstallationer, ofte ved hjælp af programmeret LED-belysning til at skabe animerede lyslandskaber. Smith arbejder med tekstilprocesser for at skabe flerlagede, teksturerede overflader ved at bruge hovedsageligt genbrugsmaterialer, især plastemballage. Organiske former og teksturer, forholdet mellem det syntetiske og det naturlige, livscyklusser og værdier er centrale temaer, og Smith placerer ofte sine værker udendørs i naturlige omgivelser. Fremstilling og taktile processer er kernen i Smiths praksis, og hun remixer og udvider ofte de traditionelle håndværksprocesser, hun lærte i sin barndom i det landlige Yorkshire Dales.
Økologiske fortællinger er kernen i Smiths praksis, og hun samarbejder ofte med videnskabsmænd om at skabe værker, der adresserer ødelæggelsen af koralrev og tilbagegangen af insektpopulationer. Den seneste installation Climate Canopy, udstillet på COP26, er udviklet i samarbejde med National Center for Atmospheric Science og fortolker 170 års klimadata som en fordybende lysskulptur.
Ved siden af sin kunstneriske praksis er Smith Engagement Curator ved Henry Moore Institute i Leeds, hvor hun udvikler og leverer programmer for at engagere publikum med moderne skulptur.
Matt Collins (GBR)
Smith samarbejder ofte med forskere for at udforske naturlige processer og miljøproblemer.
For Valkyrie arbejdede Alison sammen med kunstneren og teknologen Matt Collins, som arbejder på tværs af en bred vifte af discipliner, og støtter kreative med at udvikle, fremstille og installere projekter, kunstværker og installationer.
Valkyrie is a new light sculpture created by artist Alison Smith and technologist Matt Collins. It explores the meanings humans have attributed to natural phenomena for thousands of years and our relationship to the suns, planets and other celestial bodies.
The piece takes the name of the Viking legend associated with the Aurora Borealis. The Valkyries were female warriors in Norse mythology, said to have created the Aurora, known as the Northern Lights, with reflections of their armour as they rode to Valhalla. The Aurora forms a dramatic light display sometimes caused by the interaction between particles from the sun and the earth’s magnetic field.
Valkyrie is made from recycled plastic assembled using the same technique as rag rugs. Rag rugs repurpose waste material and have Viking roots and a long history in northern rural and mining communities.
One thousand lights within the sculpture create delicate lightscapes that are triggered by voices to send ripples of light across its surface. You are invited to converse with it and create your own Aurora light display. Position yourself around one metre away from the sculpture and speak into its side.
Artist Alison Smith creates immersive light installations and lit sculptures using recycled materials, hand-crafted to create intricate surfaces using improvised techniques based on traditional craft processes. Smith often collaborates with scientists to explore natural processes and environmental issues. For Valkyrie, Alison worked with artist and technologist Matt Collins, who works across a wide range of disciplines, supporting creatives to develop, fabricate and install projects, artworks and installations.
Alison Smith (GBR)
Alison Smith is a Leeds-based artist, maker and educator. Smith creates light sculptures and immersive light installations, often using programmed LED lighting to create animated lightscapes. Smith works with textile processes to create multi-layered, textured surfaces, using mainly recycled materials, particularly plastic packaging. Organic forms and textures, relationships between the synthetic and the natural, life cycles and values are central themes, and Smith often places his works outdoors in natural settings. Making and tactile processes are at the heart of Smith’s practice, and she often remixes and extends the traditional craft processes she learned during her childhood in the rural Yorkshire Dales.
Ecological narratives are at the heart of Smith’s practice, and she often collaborates with scientists to create works that address the destruction of coral reefs and the decline of insect populations. The most recent installation Climate Canopy, exhibited at COP26, was developed in collaboration with the National Center for Atmospheric Science and interprets 170 years of climate data as an immersive light sculpture.
Alongside her artistic practice, Smith is Engagement Curator at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, where she develops and delivers programs to engage audiences with contemporary sculpture.
Matt Collins (GBR)
Smith often collaborates with scientists to explore natural processes and environmental issues.
For Valkyrie, Alison worked with artist and technologist Matt Collins, who works across a wide range of disciplines, supporting creatives to develop, fabricate and install projects, artworks and installations.
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