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12.10 time 00:00 - 20.10 time 00:00
10 am - 5 pm

 Halloween at Egeskov

On Halloween, the spooky creatures move into Egeskov, where they have taken up residence in the park by the old castle. Children and their families can prepare themselves for a spooky experience.


During the fall vacation, the garden at Egeskov is decorated with a Halloween theme.

The program is filled with both creepiness and non-creepiness for children and their families. On a tour in the garden, children can solve a treasure hunt and meet trolls and witches. For older children, things get a little spookier in the ZONE.


The Small Spooky Route

The mysterious creatures have escaped and are causing trouble at Egeskov. With the help of a secret spell, you can send the creatures back into the darkness from whence they came. On your journey along the small spooky route you will meet witches and trolls, for example, as well as lots of creepy crawlies.

The Small Spooky Route is aimed at younger children and those of a tender disposition (up to approx. 8-9 years)



If you are particularly brave (and a slightly older child), you can go to the ZONE, where the scary barometer is turned up! But beware – death and horror lurk behind the hedge – the free roaming zombies and mass murderers, the butcher and the ghosts are on the loose. See if you can find your way out. You have been warned!

The ZONE is aimed at older children (approx. 9 – 13 years).


Experiences for a whole day

The playground is a fun-free zone where time is spent playing and having fun – try out the GIANT playground, get lost in the maze and see it all from above on the Tree Top Walk. Also visit the three museums with vintage cars, rescue vehicles and the Camping Outdoor Museum.


Halloween facts

From October 21 to 27, you can still experience the garden in its Halloween design (without events). Please note that the castle is not accessible during this period as it is a private residence in winter.


Open daily from 10 am to 5 pm until October 27.

Admission with castle: Adults DKK 265. Children 4-12 years: 160 kr.

Admission without castle: Adult: 225 kr. Children 4 – 12 years: 145 DKK.

Egeskov, Egeskov Gade 22, 5772 Kværndrup.