Labyrint Kiosken
Labyrint Kiosken (the Maze Kiosk) near the maze serves top class fast food, including several versions of the “Knight burger” (Ridderburgeren). Other treats on the menu include organic sausage rolls and vegan options. Enjoy your meal in front of the kiosk itself, with a fine view of the castle and the moat.
Museums Kiosken
Museums Kiosken (the Museum Kiosk) serves top class fast food, including several versions of the “Knight burger” (ridderburgeren). Other treats on the menu include organic sausage rolls and vegan options. Enjoy your meal among a collection of Puch mopeds and police motorbikes…
Slotsbutikken (the Gift Shop) sells coffee and ice cream as well as attractive applied art and home decorations. Enjoy your coffee or ice cream on the island in the lake and feel the breath of history as you sit within touching distance of Egeskov Castle.
Indgangsbutikken (the Entrance Shop) sells coffee and ice cream. You can also buy souvenirs and visit the nursery, where plants and pots are on sale from the plant store.
Egeskov Ishus (Ice Cream Stall) is open during the peak season, selling soft ice and old-fashioned cones and wafers.
Café Jomfru Rigborg
The café is located in the heart of Egeskov’s garden – perfect for enjoying a light lunch in the old manor stables.