The Captain’s Room has recently been refurnished by Count Michael. It features a maritime theme, and many of the paintings on the walls are of the famous Danish frigate Jylland. The beds date back to 1648 and have always stood in Egeskov. The room serves as a guest room and just like all the other guest rooms at the castle, it is always ready if a guest or two should drop by unannounced.

This rug was a gift to Count Gregers and Countess Nonni from the brother of the Shah of Persia.

The glass spheres in the basket, also called glass floats, were used in years gone by to hold pound nets up. Today, fishermen use plastic balls instead when setting out their nets. But the old glass versions are a delight to look at.

The ice boat was presented as a gift to Camille Sofie af Hermens by the Swedish King Oskar II. Camille Sofie was originally from Sweden and had a relationship with King Oskar in her youth. However, she was not deemed good enough for the king to wed, so she was sent to Denmark to marry Baron Frantz. The baron and Camille Sofie enjoyed an extremely happy marriage.

The lamp hanging from the ceiling is an old ship’s lantern that has been renovated and found a new home in the castle. It is a perfect fit for the room’s maritime theme.