Householding at Egeskov through the ages
The West Wing hosts a magnificent exhibition of household items. It comprises everything from kitchen utensils and household equipment to fine china and cutlery. Have a look at the wonderful jelly and ice cream moulds that were brought over from Paris in the 1800s. Or the unique collection of copper items that has to be polished every year so that it looks its best when visitors come to the castle.
Dream yourself back through the generations and imagine the extravagant table settings with the fine china plates and crystal glasses. Or the brightly coloured jellies, freshly turned out of their moulds.
At the other end of the West Wing, you will find the old train set.
Toy Exhibition
Take time to explore all the antique toys laid out on display here in the Loft. Many of the toys date back to the period between 1800 and the 1900s, when the pace of toy production really picked up.
You may well recognise some of the toys exhibited here, while others are more obscure. The collection provides a fine impression of what children played with in the 1800s and 1900s, and it makes a perfect match for the playful spirit that distinguishes Egeskov.