From the moment you enter the Loft, you cannot help being overwhelmed by the sense of what an historic and magnificent building Egeskov Castle really is. It is said that an entire oak forest was used to build the sturdy foundations on which the castle stands, and it is easy to believe this is true when you stand under the majestic bearing beams. The Loft also clearly reveals that the current castle consists of two long houses joined together. The East Wing – from where you enter – is 5.8 metres wide, while the West Wing is fully 8.8 metres wide. Take a look out of the windows between the two wings. Can you see how the two roof ridges meet?
If you walk to the far left corner of the East Wing, you can just see the tops of the tower rooms. The scent of old oak wood and the beam structure in the tower loft make up a truly special experience.
If you should happen to find yourself in Noboribetsu Marine Park in Japan, you will come across a copy of Egeskov Castle.
However, the Japanese version is home to a number of aquariums, rather than an actual family …
Arkitekturen +
Læs om Egeskovs imponerende arkitektur, og hvordan den har ændret sig gennem tiden.
Loftets udstillinger +
På Loftet udstilles blandt andet grevens store legetøjssamling fra 1900tallet, samt husholdningsartikler fra Egeskov gennem tiden.
Træmanden +
Under tårnspiret ligger Træmanden, om hvem det siges, at hvis han flyttes fra sin plads på puden, vil Egeskov synke i voldgraven julenat.
Vidste du? +
Hvis du nu en dag skulle komme forbi den japanske marinepark, Noboribetsu Marine Park, vil du finde en kopi af Egeskov Slot?
Dog indeholder deres version akvarier, i stedet for en rigtig familie som bor der.