• H.C. Andersen's paper doll

    At the castle you can see a unique collection of Hans Christian Andersen´s paper cut-outs

    Visit the Castle

    Augusta Snorrifass

    and her fine dresses


    1. Augusta Snorifass

      In the 1860s, Hans Christian Andersen designed a dress-up doll. Andersen designed a dress-up doll that was equipped with an extraordinary wardrobe of 40 pieces of clothing. The poet called her Augusta Snorifass, and she is on display in the Virgin Rigborg Parlour.
    2. The fairytale writer Andersen

      Hans Christian Andersen had a sublime ability to bring his imaginative mind to life in stories, books and visual art. He was a passionate craftsman with scissors and paper, where he could supplement his fairy tales with visual illustrations through neat paper cuts.
    3. Private collection

      The collection is kindly lent to Egeskov by a private collector. It is possible to buy copies of the doll and the fine dresses, so you can try your hand at the art of paper-cutting.