The room is named after Jomfru Rigborg (Maid Rigborg) who, in the period 1599–1604, was sentenced to remain locked in her room by her father, Laurids Brockenhuus, after she fell pregnant outside wedlock. The sentence was originally for life, but she was progressively pardoned following the death of her father in 1604.
Today, the room presents a different, more uplifting tale – namely the fairytale of the unique dolls’ house, Titania’s Palace, from 1922. The palace is on loan from the LEGO Foundation and contains more than 3,000 unique parts. Titania’s Palace has travelled the world for decades, helping to raise money for children in need everywhere. The old collection box is still by the window, just in case Titania, Queen of the Fairies, should happen to convince you to make a donation to a worthy cause.
The family of the Fairy Queen is not the only royalty you can meet in the Jomfru Rigborg Room, as the walls are adorned with a collection of royal portraits. Try comparing the full-size portraits on the wall here with the tiny paintings in the fairy palace.
The display case on the wall contains Hans Christian Andersen’s original paper cutting of the dress-up doll Augusta Snorifass and her fine collection of dresses. The paper cutting has been kindly loaned to Egeskov by a private collector.

Find out more about the unhappy love story and poor Rigborg’s fate, which is inextricably linked to this room.

Discover the story of Titania, Queen of the Fairies, Oberon, the Prince Consort, and their seven children, and find out how the magnificent dolls’ house with all its wonderful little works of art came into being.

The carillon displayed in the centre of the room was originally placed in the clock tower of Titania’s Palace. In years gone by, visitors could insert a penny and the carillon would then play a short tune.

Augusta Snorifass +
At some point in the 1860s, Hans Christian Andersen made a paper cutting of a little dress-up doll, which he named Augusta Snorifass. The small paper doll and her impressive wardrobe are now on display in the Jomfru Rigborg Room at Egeskov.

Next to the mirror hang a pair of old-fashioned warming pans. The servants would fill the pans with hot charcoal and move them back and forth under the bedclothes so that the bed would be delightfully warm for the gentry.

The large mirror is one of the oldest treasures in the castle. It dates back to an age where it was unusual to possess a mirror. At that time, mirrors were made of mercury, which is a highly toxic substance. In fact, if you committed a serious crime, you could choose between being hanged or making mirrors. Convicts who chose to make mirrors lived an average of 1.5 years before dying of mercury poisoning.

Did you know? +
During the time he spent at Egeskov Castle, Hans Christian Andersen noted in his diary that the garden was one of the largest and most beautiful on the island of Fyn. He also drew sketches of the garden and an outline of the castle.