• The living castle

    Visit Egeskov

    A very warm welcome to

    Egeskov Castle

    When you walk into Egeskov Castle, you are not just entering a building that holds all kinds of stories. You are entering a home where a family lineage has lived for generations, and where each generation has left its mark on the exterior and interior of the castle.

    During the day, the castle is open for you to explore and experience the history of the place. But in the evenings, the doors to the family's private quarters are opened and the entire castle is used as their home. You will experience how this is both a home and a museum. This dual function means that the castle will not be experienced as a static pocket of time, but a living castle in constant change. 

    Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille & Princess Alexandra Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg


    at the castle


    1. The Ladies' Attire

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    2. Hunting trophies

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    3. Dueling weapons

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    1. The Castle Household

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    2. Titania's Palace

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    3. H. C. Andersen's paperdoll

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