• Egeskov Castle was completed in 1554 by the builder Frands Brockenhuus who had married Anne Tinhuus to Egeskov. The list of owners over 500 years is long and exciting.

    More about the castle

    Chain of Ownership

    Chamberlain, Count Michael Preben Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille & Her Highness Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg.

    1985-1992 Count Claus Christian Preben Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille

    Chamberlain & Master of the Royal Hunt, Count Gregers Preben Julius Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille & Countess Ellen Margrethe Nonni Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille.

    Chamberlain & Master of the Royal Hunt Count Frederik Preben Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille & Countess Eleonora Sophie Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille

    Chamberlain & Master of the Royal Hunt, Count Julius Ludvig Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille & Countess Camille Jessie Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille

    Envoy & Chargé d'Affaires Baron Frantz Preben Bille-Brahe & Baroness Camille Sofia of Harmens.

    Chamberlain, Captain of the Horse & Privy Councillor Baron Frederik Siegfred Bille-Brahe & Marie Sophie Frederikke Caroline von Bülow of Plüskow.

    Chamberlain & Privy Councillor Count Preben Bille-Brahe & Baroness Eleonora Sophie Rantzau.

    1784-1789 Governor, High Court Judge & Privy Councillor Henrik Bille-Brahe & Dame of the Order of Perfect Union Caroline Agnese von Raben

    Councillor of State Sophie Justdatter Krag (born Juel)

    Chamberlain & Court Assessor Frederik Christian Krag.

    Councillor of State Niels Krag "The Younger" & Councillor of State Sophie Justdatter Juel

    Privy Councillor Niels Krag "The Elder" & Patroness Sophie Nielsdatter Juel

    Bailiff & Councillor of the Realm Otte Krag & Anne Holgersdatter Rosenkrantz

    Bailiff & Councillor of the Realm Oluf Parsberg & Karen Enevoldsdatter Kruse

    Bailiff, Commissioner & Colonel of the Guards Laurids Ulfeldt & Else Olufdatter Parsberg

    Bailiff, Diplomat & Chancellor of the Realm Jakob Ulfeldt & Birgitte Lauridsdatter Brockenhuus.

    Bailiff & High Court Judge Jakob Corfitzen Ulfeldt & Frands Corfitzen Ulfeldt (brothers – sons of Elisabeth Brockenhuus)

    Bailiff Hans Pogwisch & Karen Lauridsdatter Brockenhuus.

    Bailiff Laurids Brockenhuus & Karen Pedersdatter Skram

    Bailiff & Marshal of the Realm Frands Brockenhuus & Anne Lauridsdatter Tinhuus (Skinkel)

    Anne Lauridsdatter Tinhuus, Hilleborg Lauridsdatter Tinhuus & Rigborg Lauridsdatter Tinhuus (sisters – daughters of Laurids Skinkel)

    Bailiff & Councillor of the Realm Laurids Skinkel (Tinhuus) & Hilleborg Pedersdatter Bille.

    Bailiff & Provision Master Poul Skinkel

    Otte Skinkel & Johanne Mortensdatter Tinhuus (Skinkel)

    Johan Skinkel & N.N. Bøistrup

    Privateer Captain Lydeke Skinkel & N.N. Walkendorff