I anledning af LUMINIS 10 års jubilæum, har den kendte, danske lyskunstner Mads Vegas udformet et lysværk specielt til LUMINIS. Mads har fundet inspiration til Frozen Fountain fra renæssancens springvang og fra forlystelsesparkernes lys. Frozen Fountain er placeret midt i voldgraven, hvor det smukke lys reflekteres i vandet.
Mads Vegas
Mads Vegas arbejder på 25. år som lyskunstner og lysdesigner. Han spænder over feltet fra små værker til store stedsspecifikke installationer. Mads‘ værker er blevet vist i København, Rom, London, Washington DC, Berlin, Brixen(IT) Almere(NL) og Holstebro.
På Egeskovs Heartland Festival står Mads som lysdesigner for atmosfærelyset i hele slotparken.
In celebration of LUMINIS’ 10th anniversary, the renowned Danish light artist Mads Vegas has created a light installation specifically for LUMINIS. Mads found inspiration for Frozen Fountain in the Renaissance fountains and the lights of amusement parks. Frozen Fountain is located in the middle of the moat, where the beautiful light reflects in the water.
Mads Vegas
Mads Vegas is working in his 25th year as a lighting artist and lighting designer. He spans the field from small works to large site-specific installations. Mads’ works have been shown in Copenhagen, Rome, London, Washington DC, Berlin, Brixen(IT) Almere(NL) and Holstebro.
At Egeskov’s Heartland Festival, Mads is the lighting designer for the atmospheric lighting in the entire castle park.

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