The buildings of Egeskov
The buildings of Egeskov
You have now descended the stairs again and find yourself in the castle courtyard. Today, the area consists of a private garden and outdoor living spaces for the family to the north, while to the south you see the gate wing, which houses a museum shop on the ground floor and an exhibition on the first floor. The exhibition contains several of the finest dresses worn by Baroness Camille Bille Brahe during social events in the 1870s, as well as a number of uniforms from the castle staff. To the south, you will see the fantastic Rose Garden, which was established in 2004 under the guidance of the castle gardener, Peter Bonde Poulsen. The castle towers to the east, and it is no wonder that locally it has long been said that the castle had as many windows as there are days in the year, as many doors as there are weeks, and as many chimneys as there are months.
Worth seeing in this room
Explore the castle and decide for yourself where your tour begins and ends. Along the way, you can learn more about selected objects.