The Garden’s Cycle
Egeskov’s gardening team of 10-15 ensures that the garden's cycle continues seamlessly, keeping the estate vibrant and enchanting all year round.
GardenThe Year in the Garden
Throughout the year, Egeskov’s gardeners work tirelessly to ensure that the gardens remain beautiful in every season. Tasks range from trimming hedges, producing in the greenhouse, planting, and pruning to harvesting vegetables and cut flowers for the castle. Below is a month-by-month overview of the garden's activities:
Pruning of bushes, trees, and fruit bushes. Water shoots (root shoots) are removed from all trees. Felling of larger trees. Hedges are trimmed and shaped.
Pruning continues, and hedges are shaped. Start of new planting.
Grass areas and lawns are renovated and cleaned. Planting of new hedges and bushes. Paths and walkways receive fresh gravel. Cleaning and trimming of the garden's labyrinths.
Lawns are reseeded and mowed. Grass edges are trimmed. Planting of spring flowers, Viola and Myosotis. Roses are pruned. Herb garden, beds, and lawns are fertilized. The garden opens to the public.
The tulip garden is at its most beautiful. Cleaning of flower beds. Spring bulbs and flowers are dug up. Summer flowers are planted around the 20th. In the herb garden, plants that tolerate a bit of cold are sown and planted. The fuchsia garden is planted. Tubs are placed outside.
Lawns and grass areas are mowed, and edges are trimmed. Cleaning of flower beds. Planting of dahlias. Planting of the fragrance and herb garden. The herb garden is finished planting. Hedge trimming starts on the 15th.
Lawns and grass areas are mowed, and edges are trimmed. Cleaning of flower beds. Hedge trimming. Staking of roses and dahlias. Roses are cleaned of dead flowers. Watering of garden areas as needed. Boxwood figures and low hedges are trimmed.
Lawns and grass areas are mowed, and edges are trimmed. Cleaning of flower beds. Hedge trimming. Staking of roses and dahlias. Roses are cleaned of dead flowers. Watering of garden areas as needed. Boxwood figures and low hedges are trimmed. Yew hedges are trimmed.
Lawns and grass areas are mowed, and edges are trimmed. Cleaning of flower beds. Hedge trimming. Staking of roses and dahlias. Roses are cleaned of dead flowers. Watering of garden areas as needed. Boxwood figures and low hedges are trimmed. Yew hedges are trimmed. Perennials are divided. Harvest of vegetables from the herb garden.
The garden closes. Fuchsias are dug up, potted, and placed in the greenhouse. Tubs are moved to the greenhouse. Beds are cleared and prepared for bulbs and planting. New hedges, roses, and bushes are planted.
Lawns and grass areas are mowed for the last time of the year. Lawns and walkways are cleaned of fallen leaves. The perennial bed is cut back and composted with winter covering. All beds are composted after being cleaned for the last time of the year. New planting.
Pruning of bushes, trees, and fruit bushes. Water shoots (root shoots) are removed from all trees. Felling of larger trees. Hedges are trimmed and shaped.