Camping Outdoor Museum
Remember those warm, cosy evenings with friends and family around the crackling campfire or the great social life among caravans, tents and camp-letters? Then come and visit Europe's first Camping Outdoor Museum.
Visit EgeskovEurope's first
camping outdoor museum
In 2021, the Danish Camping Union and Egeskov opened Europe's first Camping Outdoor Museum. With the ambition to inspire, engage and initiate you into the past, present and future of camping, camping life is presented over 3,000m2. Here you will encounter a versatile exhibition that combines nostalgic stories from the early and primitive beginnings of camping holidays, to the advent of the caravan and the later outdoor holidays, where more people want either boundary-pushing outdoor experiences or comfort and luxury in glamping tents.
From primitive camping
to the latest trends
The Camping Outdoor Museum tells the story of how we went from primitive conditions to the latest caravans, air and glamping tents that focus on comfort and smart solutions. At the same time, the exhibition features the later fascination with returning to the primitive through the latest trends in the more extreme outdoor life.
Better Camping for you!
The Danish Camping Union (DCU) is an interest organisation that works to improve camping conditions for approximately 50,000 member families and also runs 20 campsites throughout Denmark.
Visit DCU